This is a Metaphysician's Program for the aspiring healer, Spiritual Counselor, Psychic, Life Coach, Mystic, Clergy, Therapist, etc..
The prerequisites for enrollment are completion of the MoreJoy Mastery Program and a 10 page thesis on the work you are doing and/or intend to do. An exception (to completion of the MoreJoy Mastery Program) can be made if you can show extensive experience in specific areas and submit a 20 page thesis on your work, as well.
Upon completion of this Mastery Trainer program, you will receive ordination to the ministry/priesthood and Masters credentials in your area of expertise from MoreJoy, Unlimited Joy, ULC, and The Spiritual Center of Joy as well.
This training program is designed to teach you how to assist others in areas of counseling, coaching, reading, advising, treating, healing, NLP, hypnosis, spellwork, rituals, teaching, writing, speaking, marketing and building your practice, online and offline, and also teaching others to do the same, as we are teaching and certifying you. Only the serious need apply, as the value of these lessons is over $24,000.00, and requires your full attention and commitment. But the cost of the program to you is $3000.00 with an additional equipment/supply requirement which is approximately $200-$300 during the course (There are no refunds on tuition or fees for any reason). An enormous amount of work and time will be put into your enrollment, and therefore, your allegiance is required.
Most of the course is taught through video and audio recordings, chat, scheduled phone sessions and online conferences. For your assignments, you will be required to submit audio and video recordings, conduct a class, give oral reports, as well as, write 3-7 page papers, etc.. If you have limited computer skills or are unfamiliar with how to use these tools, you should definitely enroll in the MoreJoy Program to learn it. It will provide you with a vast amount of skills in internet marketing, social networking, blogging, membership sites, SEO, audio/video marketing, etc.
Upon completion of this course, you will have a vibrant holistic and spiritually oriented business, church or organization of which you will be the leader, pastor or chairman, a multi-media website, social media in place, along with traffic, tracking, and analytics, at least 3 ebooks written, 1 published book, online radio show, online TV show, 2 video channels, your own online 24/7 conference room., affiliate programs in place for others to sell your services, a newsletter, a growing membership site, dedicated members, and a network of professionals who share your vision and will support you. Best of all, you should have amassed substantial wealth.
Additionally, this program will be built to suit, tailored to your specific need or agenda if you have preferences beyond the scope outlined, or if you are simply trying to be brought up to speed in certain specified areas only. We are more than happy to assist you in your professional endeavors. It is our business to take you from where you are, to where you want to be...if it does no harm.
Contact me for questions, comments or concerns at (504) 339-6569 or fill in the following form:
Yes, please enroll me in the Unlimited Joy Mastery Trainer Program.
I have completed the MoreJoy Mastery Program or
I have an extensive background in the fields covered and I will submit the details in the form above after completing my enrollment.
Here's how I choose to pay:
I am paying the full $3000.00
I will pay in 2 installments of $1625.00 each:
I will pay in 3 installments of $1175.00 each:
I will pay in 4 installments of $800.00 each:
I will pay in 5 installments of $650.00 each:
I will pay in 6 installments of $535.00 each:
I am ready to receive the blessings from the Universe and
open doors for other as well.
NOTE: For installments I will be able to arrange future payment dates.
The member's site information will be updated weekly. Your use of this site is unlimited (but only for your use) with your paid membership.
You are under no obligation and may cancel your membership at any time if dissatisfied. However, there are no refunds. Cancel when you are happy and successful, or if you are dissatisfied in any way, with no questions asked.
Memberships will not be transferred to another party. And your privacy is guaranteed. Your information will never be sold to anyone, for any reason, under any circumstances.
So Join Now! You will immediately receive all login information and program details by email. 

Get started on your new life now!